what a crazy winter!
im sure everyone has heard about the ice and snow that has hit
ky. lots of people have been without power for over a week. today we got hit again and already have at least 3 more inches on top of what was already there. its pretty- but no fun for those without electricity and those having to work out in this mess. for those of you who long for snow -
enjoy the pix!
Coleman has gotten soooo big. I hadn't seen him in so long. The first pic is awesome. I love photography. What kind of camera do you have? It takes good pics. Oh, and good news, your prayers for me are making way. I called my attorney yesterday and she said they were going to knock my charges down to a misdemeanor. That eleviates alot of stress. Nothing is for sure, but everything seems to be coming together in God's time. Thank you, you are such a blessing.